the 10th months was all about affection, defining your likes and dislikes. you learnt to express not only your disagreement but also your love, and it’s the sweetest thing in the world. you hug, you kiss, you don’t want to let me go – no matter how far, be that bathroom or work. you put your head on my shoulder, wrap your arms around my neck and cry for 10 minutes after a day apart, as if complaining. you cuddle without nursing until your fall asleep, checking from time to time if I am still in the bedroom next to you. you are like a little kitten who is looking for tender pat continuously, and gives back the tenderness tenfold.

from the casual everyday things: you continue being a good eater who likes bananas and blueberries the most, but don’t say no even to the weirdest grown-up food. you stopped liking to brush your teeth but you continue loving any water activities, from bathtime to swimming lessons we started at YMCA. you dislike clumsy winter clothing and any kind of hats in particular. you like books, finally! to my dislike and despair you like climbing stairs and pulling up on shelves, tables and the sides of the crib. you are not so eager to smile to strangers anymore, and even with your grandma who came to stay with us for a month you are playing hard to get, but you are all smiles and sunny energy when your dad or myself is around.

happy little birthday to my stubborn, curious, funny, and very affectionate little boy!


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