– things i want to remember, always –

may be because 5 is my favorite number, your five months seems like a pretty special little birthday. my husband keeps on mocking me for this obsession to celebrate your every month, but I insist.

so what’s new? your sleeping habits indeed deserve to be on the front page, and though we didn’t reach the desirable 12 hours of sleep, we do enjoy the quiet 10, uninterrupted, steadily, night after night. I must admit, I do miss our night feedings and cuddles, and that might be a reason I give up so eagerly to your sunrise wake up calls – just to feed you back to sleep in my arms, and have an excuse to sleep together for a little bit.

another major milestone is sitting upright, or better, your stubborn attempts to do so. we practice with boppy pillow around your waist, and from now on a horizontal position bores you quite quickly, so I foresee a lot of baby gear changes coming up. (umbrella stroller next month, may be?) now you are big enough to enjoy your little room, as you seem to like its privacy and colorful bookshelves. our favorite books are “Munch” during the day and “I love you forever” for the night, and reading to you has become a pleasant habit. at 5 month of age you wear clothes for 6-9M. oh, and we got an occasional babysitter, but I feel slightly jealous about her, so I always manage to find excuses to cut the hours and complicate my own work life *)

but I simply don’t want to miss a thing – watching you grow and spending time with you is what makes me the happiest, and I can’t get enough of it. I want to freeze the time and I try to do so by taking pictures of you every day and writing there silly notes. as the lullaby goes, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you’ll be”.


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