may be because i am not american by birth, but i think that the best part about thanksgiving is the appearance of christmas tree bazaars all around the city. i don’t care much about the turkey, so in our house this year we’ll have a delicious lasagna instead, and just a quiet night of cuddles between us three. but being thankful and giving thanks away is a beautiful tradition worth following – though i would and try to do it more often than once a year.

i am grateful for the life i have and for all the people in my life, but this year i would like to say special thank you to three very special people.

the very first (literally so) thank you goes to my son, Leonardo. thank you for being an incredible, happy, curious, sleep-loving baby with the most kissable chubby cheeks in the world; for your morning giggles that wrinkle your tiny nose; for choosing me as your mommy; for making this journey, from the very beginning and till now and ever, such a bliss. thank you for changing my life forever,for bringing meaning and shining light to it.

my second “thank you” goes to my husband, Nicolas. thank you for making my dreams come true, thank you for standing by me always, thank you for believing in us and making our life better every day. thank you for listening and hearing, for willing and trying to change, for compromises you make to keep our balance. and foremost, thank you for making me the wife and the mother. you are my soulmate, my partner, my best friend, but now you are also my family and it means the world.

my last but not least thank you goes to my mom. you are my hero, always have been and always will be. i learn from you how to be a good mother and i admire and adore the grandmother you became. you are the core, the tree of life, my strength and faith. thank you for everything you do for me, and now also for a little family of my own.

happy thanksgiving, world!


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